6:13 PM Prashant: valentine's day....i guess
6:14 PM Prashant: hmmmm.......write abt valentine's day as viewed by couples and as viewed by ram sene goons....
6:15 PM me: no man, ram sena people are hypocrites....
only coz they dint njoy, they act like tht.... i dont want to write abt them
6:16 PM me: tell me some other topic man, i will credit it to u
6:17 PM Prashant: man...... i m gonna join ram sens 2moro....... no girlfriend, so i got to take my frustration out rite now
And guys would have guessed what could be my next answer, CENSORED.....
Neways, I ended up opting 'V-day'.
Let me categorize so called YOUTH/ OUR GENERATION:
1. Married/ Committed:
I know you

- 'Happy V-day dear'
- 'U too'
- 'I miss you'
- 'I miss you too'
- 'Sooo nice of you'
- 'Sooo nice of you too'
- 'I never knew you are so good'
- 'Thank God, I came to know at least now !!!!!!'
All of us know who verbalize lines 1,3,5 and 7 (Of course Gals).
2. Break Up Buds:
Don't panic. Even I belong to this category. We have the POTENTIAL, but this is not right time. And I know our egoism will serve us efficaciously. “not my mistake. I was adorable. But he/ she is not worth being my partner. I didn't loose him/ her. Instead he/ she lost me.... Neways, What special in V-day? Some fools without knowing their future, they celebrate. Even I was a tomfool once upon a time, but now I am matured. Jesus Christ, I am enough matured at least now.” :P
3. All Time Singles:
This Blog belongs to you. Please read it.
'Why the hell are you still alive? You never had pair till now? Is Something wrong or Everything? In the whole 25-26 years, were you not able to find one human being of opposite sex at least for god's sake? so much alienated? Strange !!!'. This is what above 2 categories people think :)
'FOOLs', I know this is what guys reply. 'Man, do you think I can listen to all those melodramatic dialogs girls omit every day? 'Oh dear, so sweet, so nice, miss you, miss you'...... Ahh, I can't keep on adding 'too, too' to every dialog she utters. EGO - I can't compromise, Macho man'
And reading my blog, one of my friend Rashmi Illur said beautifully what single girls think about having Boy-Friends. It was really logical statement. Here you go guys "Singles feel there are many better things in life to achieve. Rather than hanging out with Boy Friend and wasting time. And few times ending up hearing unwanted egoist talks."
hmmm, so what you thinking? V-day is already over. Does the name 'V-Day' stands for 'Valentines Day' Or 'Virtual Day'?
For the people belonging to Category 2 and 3 + Half of the Category 1 (already married), this is just 'Virtual Day', really nothing special
:( :( and only :( have another one -:(
Whether we celebrate or not society will celebrate, world will enjoy. And next year by this time, we will be 'Current Age + 1'. This is the most stodgy/ indigestible truth. Don't forget that already kids playing on street comment like 'Uncle is turning fat - Car Bumper, Aunty is out of shape - Road Roller'.... And did you ever think what will happen IF YOU WON'T CHANGE AND IF YOU REMAIN AS UNAFFECTED-SPARTAN?
Just relax, nothing will happen. Your egoism will again hold you up and you will assume the same philosophy and feel proud next year as well.........
On V-day ocassion, how can anybody miss reading this blog?
Pretty Awesome work Sagarika
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