Perturbing waves rolled with a roar.
As the joy spread across my heart,
A disturbing cry tore away the joy apart.
The roaring waves swept away the beautiful sand castle,
Tears poured down the pale cheeks of a kid with riffle.
The sand, the castle and the cry took me back with clock,
Tears rolled down with pain in my heart with a jiffy block.
With the tide wet sand in my tiny hands, I built a beautiful castle,
Happiness spread and the smiles shined with the crystal sparkle.
With lots of hopes, I slept that night with the endless dreams,
In the rosy dawn, my feet dragged me to castle as sunshine gleams.
The sand was barren and I felt a tempest storm,
With deep pain in the heart I asked my mom.
‘Why did they take my castle, when the world is full of sand?’,
She whispered ‘Somebody took it to build a beautiful home’’.
As years passed, lively world turned slightly pale,
Melodies of the emotions seemed to be fairy tale.
Sorrows didn’t depress and happiness couldn’t excite,
As days turned lame, I decided to act in spite.
‘All iz well’, my ego engraved, ‘But I ain’t’ my heart grumbled.
Ego was torn and smiles were crashed, Same I felt when my castle was destroyed.
In the endless sea, my heart craved for a boon,
A gentle smile appeared like a moon.
Gentle talks & warmth meets nourished ‘My Life’,
Promise laid the base and dreams built the home, its ‘Our Life’.
A cozy place is available in my tiny home, so in my little heart,
I wish you decorate it with colorful dreams with a playful art.
‘The sand castle was never destroyed’, my mom’s words echoed,
‘Somebody took it to build a beautiful home with smiles’, my heart whispered.
The gentle touch of the disheartened kid dragged me to present,
“Your castle is not destroyed”, I whispered at the kid with pleasant.
“Waves took it to build a beautiful palace under the sea,
As I saw the castle just now, one fine day you will also see”.
I got the smile I missed and I got the castle I lost,
I named the castle with love and I wish the dreams frost,
I wish the words on this paper,
Spread the love across forever.