During lunch time, I went out with a colleague - Dicky Anshari from indonesia. I started pulling his legs,
'I will rush to your house now'
He laughed, 'even if I invite, you will not come to the place where I am going'
I asked 'You are going to grave yard or what?'
He smiled and said 'I am going to MOSQUE for prayer, do you want to join?'.
That moment I re
alized, it was my craving that I wanted to step inside mosque but couldn't make it anytime. Reason might be, probably I did not have enough courage to enter mosque Or might be I was stereotypic in terms of family/ religion - whatever. But I did not want to miss this chance. I replied 'I don't mind joining you'.

He was really surprised. On the way several times he told 'Your god.... our god... their god...' etc etc. Inside mosque, the preacher was preaching Quran in Arabic. Few people were doing namaz and others sat in some common posture and were listening (or just hearing hehehe) to the preachings. It was good experience. Within no-time, my past overrode my presence.
------------------------------------ Sliding to past -------------------------------------
'who is MY GOD'?
I tried recollecting the exact day when I heartfully remembered 'temple' or 'GOD'. The date backslided to standard 12th. I was little adhered to this god, customs etc etc as I was in Sai Baba's residential school. We used to pray god before every meal/ cup of milk. Bajans, Learning Vedas, Fasting, Yogasana etc were part of my life. I am not very sure if I really trusted god but atleast I pretended well-enough in front of wardens/ parents. But once out of the school, I never - ever turned back. 'Bhagwan' hardly came during some discussions here and there in my life.
--------------------------------- I came out of my thoughts --------------------------
Later in the evening, I attended a Birth Day party of the kid 'Charu' who stays near my apartment. My apartment owner looked bit disappointed during party. In due course of time he told 'Guru ... ... We are not able to have one child since 8.5 years of our marriage... I spent around 8-9 lac Rs on treatment ... every test says NO PROBLEM but still...' He told hell lot of things. Initially I thought 'why is he loading my brains with his stories'. But I realized that I was wrong when his wife figured out his sadness and told in Malyalam 'Chatta, why are seeming guppppp, Everybody can't get everything in life.....' She gave a smile and left. Definitely the smile had hidden pain.
After a while, I called my friend in Delhi - Ratan to wish him for his B'day. I came to know that he couldn't clear his IAS main exam. Since 2.5 years, just to clear this exam he did not join any job - went Delhi – joined coaching – prepared a lot – cleared his screening in 1st attempt – but couldn't make out with mains. I know, the day he clears IAS all these pain will become memories. But still hard way to go right?
I compared my last one year with his one. Mine was thrilling with staying in 3 different countries, no worries, enjoying life etc etc. I felt, the year went too fast with lot of engrossing changes for me but the same year was literally slow/ lame for somebody else at some part of the world.................
I compared my last one year with his one. Mine was thrilling with staying in 3 different countries, no worries, enjoying life etc etc. I felt, the year went too fast with lot of engrossing changes for me but the same year was literally slow/ lame for somebody else at some part of the world.................
hmmmmm now the point is 'what special in this'? Each of us get 100 thoughts everyday....... I know......., but this is special for me coz I couldn't come out of my thoughts even after 1-2 days. I felt like preserving this 'mode of thinking' I experienced. I could hardly remember 8-10 similar days in my entire life. And I am sure the count can be max 25 0r 30 by the time I die (with the assumption that I live for 65 years).
As the last bit, Check this: http://www.oddee.com/item_96597.aspxAll I felt is 'Life cannot be thrilling all the time. We are really lucky compared to these uncanny hard-knocks in this fucking Weird World'