Sunday, December 13, 2009

Best deal

People fight for their lives and earn money. They crave to save money for their family and children. But what if the complete hard earned money weirdly goes into a stranger’s hands and the whole efforts turns out to be meaningless?

There is lady in my native in her 50s. She is my mom's friend. She was born and brought up in a poor family where she fought for survival. She is not even blessed with beauty. At the right age, she didn’t get marry. Around 12 years back, when she was in her early 40s, she ended up marrying a rich widower and moved to my native.

The widower was filthy rich and all his fortune was of his father-in-law. He didn’t have any children. After the death of his wife, he married this lady. Both led decent family life for 10-12 years. Since last 1-2 years, his health was totally upset. When conditions turned hard and doctors confirmed his last days, the lady brought a guy into her home and declared him as her cousin brother who came to take care of her husband. Everybody in the town trusted as she was good in character. This cousin brother is a divorcee and has 2 children studying in school.

Last year, the husband died and she became the whole and sole proprietor for billions of rupees worth property. After a decent break, for everybody’s surprise, she married the so-called cousin brother and started family life in the same house. With hell lots of efforts, she convinced relatives/ people around her and managed to be the part of community. The hard earned money of a 1st wife’s father, which went into the hands of son-in-law, is serving as fortune for an unknown couple in their old age.

And the best part is, this couple adopted a baby girl few months back. She supports her act with a sound. "Life is meaningless without children. But we both are old and can't have children on our own. So we decided to adopt a baby. Now if we adopt baby boy, we have to take care of him for next 25 years. Instead, we can adopt a baby girl and get her married in next 18-19 years and come out of our responsibilities soon".

Anyways, I was not able to stop thinking about this baby girl. How lucky is she? Was she born orphan, just to be the part of this drama?

The hard earned money of Person 'A' went into the hands of his son-in-law ‘B’ which later served an unknown lady 'C'. The lady 'C' went for the 2nd marriage with a divorcee guy 'D' who abandoned his first wife and the children. This ‘C’ & ‘D couple adopted a baby girl 'E'. Now the whole property is waiting at the feet of this baby girl. The baby girl will not even know the name of the person who earned this much money for her. Rather, she won't even believe her ‘so-called-parents’ story !!!

This is the best deal done by the fate with hell lot of negotiations between unrelated people and inter-connecting them.

I don’t know about the guy who earned this much money. I don’t know how much serious was he and the ways he struggled for every penny. But I learnt one thing. There is no point in fighting for every penny and withhold our desires all the time, when we don’t know for whom we are earning.


Chaos Theory said...

he he he.... dude, sounds too much like a fairytale to believe it as real, but a nice one... is it fiction or real?

Guru said...

This is not fiction dude..... When my mom narrated the story/ proceedings, I was really surprised. Every word is fact here... People are not same now-a-days :)